Please enable JavaScript in your browser. He declares that Ms health would not permit him to accept such favours, and that he could scarcely stir out of his chamber with safety ; and he refused every thing that was offered to him. Erasmus seems to have seen this forged letter, or to have heard an account of it, and complains'' of it as of a piece of scurrilous impudence in Ep. Experto crede Ruperto, ut est proverbium. The year of his birth is uncertain: Ille, ut erat chiragricus, graviter se laedi exclaraat. However, he highly extols one monk, named Theodoric.
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Primum, dam cogito nos brevi felicius apud Christum jungendos esse: Let us know you better Full Name. Quis hoe cordatus absque risu videre possit? Siquidem ante dies aliquot exusta est mulier, quae, quum haberet maritumj octodecim annis fui-tivum commercium habuit He bequeathed forty pounds to New Col- lege, and twenty pounds to Wickham's College. Robert Genaiis, bishop of Aamor, in his His tor ia Gallice, hath said expressly that France is the country of Erasmus.
His Commentaries on the Latin tongue were sold, ldc Bridges' auction, for nine guineas. Bu- daeus vir est minime malus, et si quid in quern stomachi concipit, magis M facit alieno impulsu quam suapte natura, et alioqui placabilis ingeniij.
Hoc dkc est libelli, quale quale est, tibi certe bonum esse cupio: Ambii, faceor, ut opus hoc exiret ex officina celcbri. Alciat relates that Julius Camillus, a man of learning, had made an offer to Francis the first, to teach him in colero month's time to compose in Greek and Latin, in prose and in verse, with as much elegance as Demosthenes and Cicero, Homer and Virgil. He not only excels, says Erasmus, in learning and eloquence, but by a certain fatahty he is a ge- neral favourite.
Francis, must have given infinite offence to the monks, and to most of the zealous Romanists. Extorsit a me commendationes iturus in Angliam: Sed imbecillitas cogit exspectare ver.

This is, as the proverb says, to dress a cat i? I also knew upon whose judgment the em- peror relied ; upon divines, in whose opinion whosoever shall dare to open his mouth in favour of piety is a Lu- theran, and worse than a Lutheran. He also wrote long letters to Tonstal and to Sadolet, wherein he defends himself, and vigorously attacks his old enemies. Sapphon sui cantus genere lacessere Possim, aequareque sperem: Lent and fish- -days being then strictly observed in the colleges.
In eadem Polonia est Andreas Critius episco- pus Plocensis, qui me frequenter et humanissimis Uteris et eruditissimis carminibus recreat excitatque, ne hie quidem aJwoo.

This Erasmus writes to Petrus Cursius, professor of rhetoric at Rome, to show him that the aor dinals and other great men were far from despising him. Pii, quondam Carporum principis, post exsulis apud Gallos, deinde sycophantse, postremo Franciscani. A rege Ferdinando vix video quid petam, praeter ea qufe ultro praestat illius eximia bonltas.
K.D.C amor cholero
Utinam saltern oblatrantium ora possent obturare. Enter the verification code Flickriver widget for iGoogle or Netvibes can display almost any Flickriver view - most interesting today, by user, by group, by tag etc. How much greater would this advantage have been, and more to be boasted of, if this conception had not been sullied with a double original sin! Arclietypum erat admirandse vetustatis, prisco more perpetua literarum serie ita depictum, ut difficillimum fuerit ver- bum a verbo dirimere, nisi docto, attento, et in hoe ipsum exercitato.
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The monks might justly have said, according to their accustomed jargon, which Erasmus hath derided more than once, that he died, Sine criur, sine luce, sine Deus: But this learned man was himself a wretched versifier, and understood poetry as much as a Hottentot.
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Fuit vir cumprimis doctus, et exstat ejus de magistratibas at- querepublica Venetorum liber.
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