Sunday, November 24, 2019


As the buttons are analogue, I have to "half" press the them to get it to work. ArmandiuxGS 8 years ago http: And we have to thank you for that! I see there are packages for Slackware 11 but none for I set the xmamerd file to point to this directory. I run kxmame in a terminal to see some erros to look if it cant find xmame but the only error i see is: You need to install these emulators and have some ROM files before you're able to play games. kxmame

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If you want to use your. I have your 1.

Contact me if you want a copy. In my case I want SDL joystick so it would be 5.

kxmame 2.0-svn20070531

I run kxmame in a terminal to see some erros to look if it cant find xmame but the only error i see is: I set the xmamerd file to point to this directory. I can now select my games using the joystick.

To setup xmame executable, snapshots, roms, Sorry for my english: Once, it's implemented in gxmame, it's easy to port it to kxmame. There isn't even an option in the GUI for a standard joystick so something is wrong.

Don't forget to report bugs or suggetions at sf. DeSmuME - Emulation last update date: It's as simple as selecting your game console, double-clicking your rom file to launch a game.

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By the way I made a SlackBuild for any Slackware users out there. Billyboh 14 years ago I've got a little problem, I can't turn off sound when Xmame is in execution. I check off the option in "General Settings" of Kxmame but apparently this has no effect on what Xmame does when I launch a game. Based on gxmame plus many new features: The blue gear drop down menu shows sdlmame.


Cade - Emulation last update date: I selected "SDL joystick" in the kxmame config dialog, but it sent a "-jt 1" Standard joystick to xmame. Please patch "cd kxmame OnekO 13 years ago My gamelist is blank The error I get starts when I configure kxmme I compiled and installed kxmame DeSmuME - Emulation last update date: I assume the files are for mame.

See the file "alternative.

See the file "alternative. Billyboh 14 years ago Thank you very much! Joseph-Walker7 May 10 Those are just suggestions. Kxmame is strictly a KDE port of Gxmame.


Emulation Source link to git-repo or kxame original if based on someone elses unmodified work: The joystick buttons used for these tasks can be customized in the menu.

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